Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Emergent behaviour

Notes on the Sydney Anime and Manga SHow (SMASH):

* The big new venue - Darling Harbour Convention Centre - was brilliant. Finally, a local con where you didn't have to fight your way between dealer tables! The separate auditorium was a truly impressive space in which to hold the cosplay comp, etc. Getting there via escalator even gave the event a hint of a Comic-Con feel :-)

* I wasn't in a buying mood and spent a mere tenner on merch... Bead coaster of the classic "Space Invaders" ship firing its cannon. Badge saying "It's a trap", with an arrow to the right. Sheet of stickers based on "Super Mario Bros" power-ups. A T-shirt of The Who that replaced the band with the 4th, 8th, 10th and 11th Doctors was tempting, but I don't regret not purchasing it.

* SMASH has consistently placed a greater emphasis on the creative side of the hobby than Animania (or Supernova or Armageddon Expo), and that was clearer than ever this year - more colleges seeking to attract students, more art supplies for sale (computer and paper), and more fannish wares. A guy flogging anthropomorphic sketches reminded me of an erstwhile acquaintance.

* Also on the increase were the anime club booths, eg. there's now a Parramatta group called Parra-noia. Oh, and I should have added in the last point that the crafts on display included Gundam model-making in the form of (what I assume was the Australian heat of) the Gunpla Builders World Cup. Some amazing paintjobs/dioramas!

* Won't go into detail about the costumes. Suffice it to say the choices highlighted the enduring popularity of certain shows, eg. "One Piece". There was an apparent rise in skintight cossies - I suppose winter is the optimum time to wear them. Still passed a few (exclusively male) stinkies. We suffer for their art! Several of the stall-holders went to the trouble of dressing up, eg. Solid Snake was peddling plastic weapons.

* Just on the stinky thing... As is sadly the norm for these gatherings, there was a general lack of manners. People walking around, coughing openly, obviously carrying the nerd flu. I don't believe I heard a single "excuse me", though I always offered one when I inadvertently bumped into someone. Unlike the family that trooped across my foot like a line of ducks, without uttering a word of apology!

* Other developments - Digital radio station SBS Pop Asia was playing over the sound system, which was apt. Attractive cosplayers were selling photobooks of themselves in character (I'm guessing this is standard practice overseas). There were three comperes for the cosplay comp, but they didn't work me. Let's just say their humour was skewed towards a younger audience. When they interrupted the entrants with a shambles of a charity auction, I exited.

* Irrespective of my old-man grumbles, SMASH 2011 was the most professional, user-friendly convention of its type that I've attended in Sydders. PS. While banging out this half-arsed report, I've had the first 5Dolls mini album on repeat. There was a girl at the con who resembled Chanmi (asymmetrical blonde bob from Coed School era) to such a degree I had to do a double-take. Maybe it was intentional.


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