Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Two Gelflings, one cup

Finally conquered "Plants Vs. Zombies" [PC]. Saw a couple of disturbing signs around my area. The first was alerting residents in this building that somebody's had a debit card stolen from their mailbox and then used. The second, "up at the shops", was offering to buy houses for cash! Could they be connected? Sorry, shouldn't joke about the card theft. Watched the Swannies win the AFL Grand Final. To be honest, I'm not sure they were the better team on ground. It was a curious contest; thrilling, too. Ate a production-line steak'n'veg dinner at the Opera House cafe that was very ordinary. Roast tomato has no place among potato, pumpkin, carrot, etc. Was there for the Festival Of Dangerous Ideas* talk "Let Banks Fail", given by Dr Chris Leithner. As CL admitted, the title was misleading as the gist of his entertaining lecture was that these institutions have already failed, both morally and - apart from on their fudged books - financially. He railed against fractional reserve banking and government intervention, while providing an interesting take on that classic bit of cinema, "It's A Wonderful Life". Sadly, the Q&A component was a bust, hijacked by those either desperate to assert intellectual superiority or expecting a solution to all of our banking woes for their $25 admission. It degenerated into borderline personal attacks. Debate is healthy, but have some fucking manners, people. Was gonna put "Two Grels" above, only I feared the "HackMaster" reference would be lost on most. Grunge Elves are dirty.

*See #FODI on Twitter.


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