Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Life's too short to spectate on neutral teams

I was horrified to learn from my buddy JK that when, as a grad student, he'd worked in a Melbourne nightclub collecting glasses, no matter where they were found - even sitting in the trough or floating in a toilet bowl - they would be chucked into the dishwasher and returned to circulation. Sometimes it's better not to know.

When I attended my first science-fiction club meeting in the '90s, the organisers ran a game using a cassette player where you had to identify minor characters from sci-fi telly *by voice*. How does this relate to the previous paragraph? I did so poorly they gave me a consolation prize. Sometimes it's better not to know.

What did I win? One of the admins went to their prize cupboard and brought forth a paperback copy of the 1989 anthology "Foundation's Friends", which featured a stellar cast of authors writing in Asimov's Foundation Universe. I was stoked! I went straight to a nightclub for a celebratory beverage...possibly.


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