Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Milk thistle

Call me Crazy C. McCrazyton III, but I've decided to try for a health boost by taking a single course of a dietary supplement. My inspiration was an article I stumbled on, on the BBC web site, about the possible benefits to your liver of something called milk thistle. Checking a US government health page, it didn't sound like there were any side effects to worry about (my stomach's strong and I don't suffer from plant allergies), so I set off for the local health food store in search of said herbal extract. I came away with a noticeably lighter imitation leather wallet and a box of Milk Thistle 12,000 Complex. You'll be pleased to know (as I was) that besides milk thistle fruit, the pills contain dandelion root, barberry stem bark, globe artichoke leaf and astragalus root. Let's see if they do anything more than give me expensive urine...


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