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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Rock Star: Supernova" prediction

Lukas won't win because, although he looks and acts the part, he's not actually a very good vocalist. His delivery is uncontrolled and his diction is terrible.

Magni won't win either. He has too much attitude and gives lip to the Supernova dudes. Tommy Lee in particular seems to have taken a dislike to him.

Though easily the most talented and versatile (her "Roxanne" was a masterpiece), I don't believe Dilana's what the band are looking for. Meaning she won't win.

Toby will win because he's another Robbie Williams, an OK singer who makes up for it with cheeky charm and enthusiasm. Supernova want a party pal - he's it.

NB: I know it's partly an audience vote, but I do think viewers pick up on the band's reactions and the chemistry (or lack of) between them and the contestants.


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