Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, March 10, 2008


I lost at wooden-horse racing and bingo, while I won at "Scrabble" and shuffleboard. Clearly, I have a higher score for skill than luck :-)

Normal nightly entertainment has resumed. Husband'n'wife duo String Fever - he on violin/keys/percussion/voice, she on cello/p/v - were all kinds of brilliant. Hubby resembled Austin Powers crossed with a Gypsy minstrel. His missus was a classic beauty with a ski jump nose, decked out in a glamorous gown and diamonds. They met as members of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, leaving it 11 years ago to craft their own travelling act - a mix of traditional and pop numbers/impressions, punctuated with anecdotes and gags. Oh, to be so musically gifted.


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