Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Facts and fictions

* B/Bay has a railway station and (rusty) tracks but no train service.

* "Proof" the film, being co-adapted by David Auburn, does justice to "Proof" the play. Hopkins relatively restrained, Davis sympathetic, Gyllenhaal wholesome, Paltrow steals it. Worthy drama about devotion mathematical and filial, about how our minds focus, blur and struggle to trust beyond the scientific.

* Domino's, Eagle Boys and Subway (x2) constitute the few takeaway chains here.

* 10 minutes into the documentary "Jesus Camp" (2006), during the glossolalia scene, I changed channels in disgust. The religious right is so wrong. They are robbing childhoods!

* Today, I'd planned to visit an attraction known as Amaze 'N' Place to wander hedge mazes and pet llamas. It was advertised as being "1km south of town". Unfortunately, the brochure didn't specify which town. When I hopped a taxi to go there, the cabbie warned me it'd be a $100 fare. I apologised for wasting his time.

* Ian McEwan's 1998 Booker Prize-awarded "Amsterdam" is as darkly comic and gorgeously, gorgeously written as I was promised.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Kamuke said...

Sounds like you're having a cracking time in Lord Byron.

Things are going OK in da Penthouse, but it's a bit werid.

On the plus side, I had a great lunch at a Japanese joint called Bento-Ya, which is just across the street. It was 2:30 and I had the whole place (an ex-cottage) to myself. Might be worth an excursion one day...followed by a drink at the local, Gilroys. Their symbol's a toucan :)

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Addster said...

Sounds like a plan, mate.


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