Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Is what it now says on my letterbox.

I had to do something - the unsolicited mail was multiplying like apprentice Mickey's broomsticks. Every time I unlocked and lifted the flap, I'd reveal 1-2 supermarket catalogues, 2-3 restaurant menus, and 3-4 flyers from folks eager to discount my pizza, iron my clothes, value my property (pity it's a rental), expedite my tax refund, instruct me in aikido (and be like Steven Seagal?), bathe my non-existent dog, invite me to their club to see a world-renowned Elvis impersonator... I was paranoid that one night I'd sacrifice a pile of it at the temple of recycling and inadvertently miss an important missive.

The plastic sign I paid a few coins for at the hardware store (to a gent in a bowler hat!) could either be screwed to the letterbox through a loop on the top or stuck in place with adhesive strips on the back. As my 'box is metal, I went with the second option. Worried the "empty" loop would look stupid, I tried to saw it off with an Exacto knife only to a) almost nick a finger, then b) send the blade tip flying (let's hope the hoover locates it before my sockless foot does). Resigned to postal shame, I made a half-hearted attempt to snap off the unwanted piece by hand. It came away as neat as you like.


At 5:38 AM, Blogger RS said...

The idea of receiving junk mail advertising karate lessons and/or an Elvis impersonator is strangely alluring.

As an aside, such signs would not work here. It's illegal to place unsolicited advertisements in mailboxes, and therefore all junk mail (such that it is) is addressed and sent via USPS


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