Sunday - Caught up with my pal MB, who is presently employed as a primary school teacher in a remote township. We ate German food and admired graffiti prints/shirts, then I helped him stock up on cheap tech and worthy tomes.
Monday - Registered for Sydcon on the October long weekend. Assuming I get my choices for all eight sessions of the convention, I shall be role-playin' basic "D&D", "Call Of Cthulhu", "Giallo" (surreal horror), "Legend Of The Five Rings", "Paranoia", "Warhammer FRP", "World Of Darkness" and a homebrew system.
Tuesday - Through my DWCA membership, I won a seat at a cinema showing of "Day Of The Daleks: Special Edition". It had new footage, visual effects and Dalek voices. The Q&A afterwards with Dan Hall from 2entertain, plus the preview of "Reign Of Terror" animation by Oz's Theta Sigma, were the vanilla icing on the carrot cake. Exiting the theatre, we were handed what was alleged to be a world-exclusive alternate inlay for the DVD (which was available for sale prior to its official release date). I can hear the colour photocopiers now...
Wednesday - There was a story about my pal JH on one of those 6.30pm current-affairs programs. Considering I loathe their brand of sensationalist reporting, I thought it was a pretty fair treatment of his grievance/situation.
Thursday - Along with my pal SC, I got a special demonstation of the nearing-completion THQ title "WWE '12". Without instructions, it took us strugglers a while to figure out how to score a pinfall. That didn't prevent me being dazzled by the range of moves and bells'n'whistles. But then, I'm into wrestling.
Friday - Interviewed a smart, spunky MMA chick. Lunched at a Japanese restaurant where the waitress accidentally spilt a bottle of sparkling mineral water on my baseball cap and phone. I could tell the mobi was fine in its sleeve, so I told her not to worry about it, but she wouldn't stop apologising. A second waitress came over to assist with the mopping-up operation and they urged me to check the items weren't damaged. They weren't. When I went to pay for the meal, the cashier looked at me concernedly, and asked, "Are you all right?" I assured her I was A-OK. Then, as I turned to leave, I felt a touch on my arm and there was the first waitress, bowing and apologising again. I hate fuss and found the whole incident faintly embarrassing, but it does illustrate how amazing Japanese customer service can be.
Saturday - No award.
Fangs to "The Ultimate Fighter 14", "Mega Factories: LEGO", the cartoon "Monster House" (2006), the Chekhov play "The Three Sisters" (1900) and the Steve Martin And The Steep Canyon Rangers bluegrass album "Rare Bird Alert" (2011). No fangs to the latest season of "Beauty & The Geek Australia" for eliminating the stunning girl in Week 1.
Check your pants.