Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Can't sit still?

A neighbouring family has gone to Europe for a month and they let us know in advance that a professional house-sitter would be caring for their place. Curiously, the person doesn't appear to be staying in the house, instead swinging by throughout the day to feed and play with the dog, take in the mail, put out the bins, etc. Could they be looking after more than one property at the same time? Personally, I don't class that as "sitting". I did a bit of home-minding in my younger years - several weeks' worth, in fact - and for me, it was all about fully immersing yourself in that suburb.

Recommendations: strong sequel "Squid Game 2" plus "Rugged Rugby" [both Netflix], adult cartoon "Creature Commandos" [Foxtel], the hugely entertaining "Roundup" cops-versus-gangsters fillum series [Kanopy (fourth instalment not out here yet)], the "History Extra" Podcast's five-parter on Tudor England, anime "Solo Leveling" [Crunchyroll]. While I've given up trying to record all of the media I consume, I'll keep noting the best stuff like this.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Slippy road

After dropping our Christmas visitors safely at the train station, I learnt why folks warn that roads can be dangerous following a small amount of rain, i.e. enough to spread spillages around without washing them away. I pressed the accelerator when the car must have been on top of an oily patch and the rear end did a little fishtail! Fortunately, my videogame skills kicked in and, without thinking about it, I eased off the gas and gently steered with the movement. Didn't leave the lane or go close to any other vehicles, but it still gave me a scare. Wasn't accelerating particularly hard. Checked the tyre tread when I got home and that's fine, too. So...a good lesson to come through unscathed. There's truth in them old warnings.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Rats' tails

Listening: Podcasts "Thin End Of The Wedge" (latest research in ancient Middle East studies) and "Lords Of Death" (true crime where journo has a personal connection). Also revisited the 1988 goth-rock album "Children" by The Mission. While I still dig the music, the lyrics do nothing for me now. Off to charity it goes.

Watching: Season 2 of "Love Village", S4 of "Yes, I Do", and "Love Is Blind - Argentina". First was beaut, second is going well, not sure I'll finish the third. Besides keeping up with many of the new anime series ("Dan Da Dan" is #1), I'm binging "After-School Dice Club", which I've raved about to a few of you privately :-)

Playing: With my new-old gaming group - "The Quacks Of Quedlinburg", "Guillotine" (a blast from the past!) and "Rent A Hero". Discovered I'd sunk more than 700 hours into "MTG Arena", so uninstalled it immediately. No doubt I'll stay away for a few sets, before being tempted back to update all of my fave decks...

Doing: Went to an impressive art exhibition about birds and checked out an unfamiliar comic store.

OK, time for more seven-word fillum summaries, for whatever they are worth.


* "Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy" (2024) [Netflix]: Style heavy. Does contain revelations. "Portal" ending.
* "Canary Black" (2024) [Prime]: International espionage-er falls apart under slightest analysis. BUT: Goes fine with chicken casserole and wine.
* "Civil War" (2024) [Prime]: Near-future speculation pretty effective. (Limited viewpoint.)
* "Demons" (1985) [Kanopy]: Weird, sometimes stylish, extreme, patchwork, laughable, memorable.
* "Fight To Live" (2024) [Netflix]: Aussie fighter's toughest battle was domestic abuse.
* "Freud's Last Session" (2023) [Foxtel]: Imagined eve-of-destruction intellectual debate. Provocative.
* "The Speedway Murders" (2023) [Netflix]: Sensitive investigation into puzzling unsolved '70s crime.
* "Woman Of The Hour" (2023) [Netflix]: Chilling. True. Arty though "empty". Kendrick excellent.

<<< Pick of the bunch is "The Speedway Murders". >>>