Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, February 24, 2025

Adversarial schmadversarial

In a Facebook group where distant friends and I discuss various types of gaming, I shared an idea:

I would love, as a DM, to transport a "D&D" party from one [famous commercial] module to another without telling them what I was doing. Ideally, from dungeon to dungeon. 

Their dawning realisation that they weren't where they previously thought would be delicious. 

It'd also be a rad challenge for them to jump into a scenario sans background knowledge, specific preparation and any progress towards its completion!

You could spin this into a campaign where all major dungeons were connected.

I was picturing like [an imperceptible improved teleport] from a room/corridor in "Ravenloft" to one in "Tomb Of Annihilation".

We two are one

Last weekend, I watched this French double from 2023. If there's a more lavish, grittier, more edge-of-the-seat Musketeer tale, I ain't seen it. All of the cast good; Eva Green superb. Part 3 is due 2027.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Daily bread

The Oz UFC-ers went 3-3-1. Not too shabby.

There was a flyer in the letterbox from one of the nearby churches, offering a fancy morning tea prior to some upcoming Sunday services and a substantial free lunch if you stay 'til the end. In the current economic climate, I predict the initiative will bring them new folks. Folks who may even become regulars if they enjoy the food!

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Tatts entertainment

I wouldn't mind a Frieren tattoo. The risk would be that they somehow ruin the character later. Then I'd be like those people who named their baby daughters Daenerys/Khaleesi, only for the final season of "Game Of Thrones" to - spoiler warning! - turn said lady from sympathetic figure to crazed mass murderer. I suppose I could then get a modification or cover-up tatt. Remember when "Miami Ink" was huge and they did a few spinoffs? There was an episode of "London Ink" where a dude came in to have a tattoo of his ex-girlfriend's name covered. Poor bastard had her first name AND surname inked on him. Earlier today, I was watching a video of a tattooist reacting to unusual designs. There was a guy with an angel positioned behind his ear firing a machine gun. The artist liked it, but said she'd seen a better one where a demon was whispering in a bloke's ear. My personal demon is telling me: "A Frieren tatt would be sweeeeet."

UFC 312 tomorrow. C'mon, the Aussie fighters!