Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So-called "balanced" investments lost me thousands in superannuation in the second half of 2008, so I've switched everything to fixed interest. Must consult with my brother-in-law - a successful stock market trader - to ensure this was my best course of action. I believe on our previous meeting (some months ago) he advised investing it in cash, but I could be wrong. Again.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The echothatwon'tletgo

Yesty evening, a bus ticket machine swallowed my weekly pass and refused to spit it out again. I was miffed because (a) they cost 38 bucks, and (b) I'd only "activated" it on Saturday. The driver requested I write my contact details on a blank card and assured me he'd have a technician examine the faulty unit when he returned to the depot. Like Thomas, I had my doubts. But when I hi-hoed off to work this morning, I checked the mailbox just in case. Zounds! There was an envelope from State Transit and inside was the missing pass - in perfectly useable condition. Faith in humanity temporarily restored.

Listening: "Amor Vincit Omnia" (2009) by Pure Reason Revolution. The British prog-rockers have had an electronic make-over. That means dancey bits, chip tune-ish bits and even vocoder! After the initial shock, my love for them abides.

Reading: "Doctor Who - The Story Of Martha" (2008) by Dan Abnett et al. Where Ms Jones went while the Master reigned, and the yarns she spread to give the populace hope. Unless I'm mistaken, the first anthology in the present range.

Wondering: If anyone else has noticed the cheeky-cute facial resemblance between American actress Spencer Grammer and Russian popster Oksana Pochepa. No?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Completing the compass

So far this Shute Shield rugby union season, Randwick's beaten Wests, Souths and Norths (in that order). This afternoon, we have the chance to pull off a quirky quadrella when we face the Easts "Beasts" at Coogee Oval. I'll be there, chugging Tooheys New and cheering the Wicks. Better get a wriggle on, actually...

Listening: "Big Bad World" (2008) - Plain White T's. Fished outta the free CDs shoebox at a sister publication on account of the group's tracks featuring in the college soapie "Greek". Harmless, happiness-inducing pop rock.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


There were reportedly 35,000 of us at the Cenotaph ("empty tomb") in Martin Place for the ANZAC Day dawn service. It was moderately cold, but I was OK with my scarf and beanie - which, I hasten to add, I removed at the appropriate points. The ceremony consisted of veterans and representatives marching, dignitaries being welcomed, the laying of wreaths, hymns and speeches, the odd fainter in the audience, the "Last Post" bugle call/minute's silence with the lights cut, and the UK, NZ and Oz anthems. Very moving stuff that I hadn't experienced since I was duty-bound to do so as Year 6 captain. They say the number of attendees is growing annually, which attests to the command the ANZAC legend, particularly Gallipoli, has on the Australian psyche. I'm fine with that. Such bravery and self-sacrifice deserves our eternal respect. I've already whinged on Twitter about waiting yonks for a bus home. There was one consolation. As we drove down the road, I spotted a grey-haired digger, multiple medals pinned to his suit, seated alone on a park bench. Smiling serenely, his gazed was directed towards the rising sun. He probably appreciated it more than most.

Tallying: The Demonic deck was the winner over the Divine, six duels to four. Ergo, Wizards Of The Coast is evil :-) Scores at bottom.

Recommending: - the official site of an interesting band of which my mate CS2 is a member. The lead singer reminds me of Marillion's Steve Hogarth, and that's a massive compliment.

(Div,Dem): (20,-1*),(-8*,3),(-4,6*),(30,-5*),(-2*,13),(0,13*),(-12*,18),(12,-13*),(9*,0),(-3*,18). *Went first.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Apropos of nothing

In grade school, my pal TP sheepishly informed me that his options were (a) coming to my birthday, or (b) going to the circus with his siblings. Guess which he chose?

Playing: Solo "Magic: The Gathering" using the "Duel Decks: Divine Vs Demonic" (mono-W vs m-B). The angel on my right shoulder is loving it - as is the devil on my left.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oriental flavour

I suspect if I was a millionaire I'd still experience sudden cravings for Maggi 2 Minute Noodles like I do as a hundredaire. Chef!

Reading: "Fullmetal Alchemist #18", "Bone - One Volume Edition" (1991-2004) by Jeff Smith. Am on page 447/1332 of the latter.

Listening: "St Cecilia - The California Album" (originally recorded 1970) by Stalk Forrest Group, who became Blue Oyster Cult. Slightly hippie-ish.

Watching: "Top 10: Bombers" on Discovery Channel.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vacation summation

Spent a couple of peaceful nights at Mum and Dad's, and the final weekend back here in Sydders, attending the AWF Psychoticslam wrestling show at the UNSW Roundhouse (ex-WWE superstars Al Snow and Chris Masters ruled!) as well as philosopher Alain De Botton's "The Pleasures & Sorrows Of Work" lecture (promoting his book of the same name) at the Opera House. But my primary objective was to visit PG and DG in their luvverly new dwelling in Anna Bay and that's where I stayed for the middle seven days. It was as close to old times as we'll probably ever get - talking, joking and fondly remembering as we perused gaming mags from P.'s huge collection, alternated between munching greasy takeaways and home-cooked vegetarian fare, and played videogames on his consoles for hours and hours. Here's the list of what we conquered, NOT counting demos with limited levels:


DreamCast - "Cannon Spike", "Gunbird 2", "Mars Matrix". These vertically scrolling shooters were all completed co-operatively. It took ages to earn sufficient money in "M/M" to purchase the maximum lives and credits from the shop needed for us to defeat the last boss.

DS - "Peggle" (PG), "Scrabble Interactive 2009" in campaign mode (me), "Doctor Who Top Trumps" (me). As I left, we were both getting into "Retro Game Challenge".

MAME - "Blade Master", "Hotdog Storm", "JJ Squawkers", "Kyukyoku Tiger II", "Macross Plus", "Metamorphic Force". All co-op. Like "Ghouls 'N Ghosts", "M/P" demands that you play right through twice to see the "proper" ending. I urge you not to bother - it's lame.

PS2 - "Ico", "Raiden 3" (co-operatively). The former borders on true art. It may owe debts to the platforming combat of "Prince Of Persia" and landscapes of "Myst", but it's still uniquely beautiful. And that epilogue...

Xbox 360 - "Fallout 3", "Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe", "Portal", "Street Fighter IV". PG was already well advanced in "F3" when I arrived. "M/K/V/DC/U" we did with the superheroes/villains 'cos the alternative sucked. "Portal" is as tricksy and brilliantly executed as everyone says. "S/F/IV" is trivial - just use Blanka's crouching electricity attack.

There were other titles we considered trying to conquer, then abandoned. We were on our way to the third crystal star in "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door" on GameCube when we decided it was taking too long. Discovering that 100-fight bonus dungeon didn't help! "Guardian Heroes" on Sega Saturn offered scant reward for the effort required, although we're pretty certain we were slain by the ultimate enemy. "Shadow Of The Colossus" on PS2 was at least 70% as wonderful as "Ico", but proved to be another time sink. A few bosses in, it was reluctantly retired.

I reckon 18 games in a week is a fair result. Our goal was three :-)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


(Not much happening there at the moment, though.)

Up the Irons!

It's World Iron Maiden Day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

No spoilers, I promise

SC and I flew the "Peephole" flag at Greater Union George St for the Paramount media preview of "Star Trek". Wary of detracting from your potential enjoyment, I'll keep my comments general. Tremendous fun! (That general enough for ya?) While flouting "S/T" conventions and introducing mainstream elements that shouldn't work yet do, JJ Abrams and co. have given the franchise an energy it always lacked, nudging it nearer to "Star Wars". In the hyoooge VMAX 1 theatre (formerly the GMAX 1 theatre - go figure), the eye and ear candy were unceasingly awesome. Sure, segments of the storyline are dumb, but they're never boring and a clever plot twist allows all of the changes in this version to be rationalised. Personally, I can't wait for the Enterprise crew's next mission - and that's not something I said after any of the earlier movies.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well, I chuckled

I hereby declare my Easter holiday and self-imposed net.break to be over. Will summarise the various toings and froings tomorrow night, probably. Meanwhile, have a motivational message...

"It's easier to punch a head than a clock" - Kiel Reid, "Ultimate Fighter 9"

Friday, April 10, 2009

At the family homestead

The "Collectors" plug below was possibly a bum steer... It screened at 8pm here and appeared to be a different ep. So either there's regional variation or it was a stuff-up on the part of the paper.

Fish on the menu

At the risk of sounding like a shill for Auntie, today's episode of "Collectors" (6pm, ABC1) features an "avid acquirer of Transformers toys", to quote my telly guide. I aim to be in Newcastle by then...

The Anti-Life Equation

Full house for "Adventureland" at Roadshow. Excellent teen rom-com. Like "Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist" but better, with Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg equalling Kat Dennings and Michael Cera in the charm stakes and outdoing them in believability (earthiness?). It made me wanna get a job at a crappy theme park where the rides are faulty and the games are fixed, goof around with my fellow employees to relieve the boredom, drink cheap booze, smoke weed and party like they did in 1987. Or maybe it just made me wanna be young again :-)

Watching: "Watchmen - Tales Of The Black Freighter" (2009). A pressie from our DVD dude, CS. "Includes Hollis Mason's tell-all 'Under The Hood'." Out of context and uninterrupted, the impact of the pirate yarn is somehow reduced.

Also watching: The IFOCE's "Eats Of Strength". Definitely a case of tongue - and surfeit of victuals - in cheek.

Reading: "Giantslayer" (2003) by William King. The seventh Gotrek and Felix novel. Given my gnat-like attention span, I'm kinda surprised I've stuck with the Fafhrd/Gray Mouser-type duo this far.

Revisiting: The 1995 single "Teenage Loser Anthem" by The Dambuilders. I fear Barnes Wallis would not approve.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Prize-worthy presentation

Love the idea behind and the stylish matching covers of Random House’s “The Best Of Booker” budget range (on shelves September). May even grab the 6/8 titles I hasn’t readed. You'll have to trust me on the pleasing aesthetics for now 'cos I spied the reprints in an industry newsletter but can't find a pic to link to on the R/H site.

Listening: "The Rising" (2002) by Bruce Springsteen. His 10/10 response to 9/11.


AH, DP, NP, RS2 and I tried Maloney's pub, which recently commenced trading on the corner of Pitt and Goulburn. The combination of cramped conditions, bossy floor staff, no Coopers on tap, TVs tuned to an unavailable cable station, and an hour's wait for lukewarm (pricey!) meals was not a winning one. Which is why I've made the almighty pun above at their expense. That'll learn 'em.

Budding Indys:

This very eve, 8.30, ABC1 - "Voyage To The American Stonehenge".

Frickin' Chelsea!

Liverpool will require a miracle of '05 Champions League Final proportions in the return leg at Stamford Bridge. (On the subject of football, it was a satisfying 1-1 draw at Nagoya Grampus by the Newie Jets on Tuez.)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

"Broadsides, The Game Of Naval Strategy"

Pints with CS2 at Paddy's rendered me unfit for anything besides bus-catching, preparing egg noodles with garlic'n'wine sauce, fork-twirling and falling asleep in "The Fourth Protocol" on Fox Classics. I'm a sucker for a Cold War thriller.

Lorne but not forgotten

Belatedly... RIP "Angel" star Andy Hallett, who passed away from heart failure at 33. Everybody's fave green-skinned demon has gone to emcee at the big karaoke bar in the sky.


Please desist from bragging about how little time your latest album took to record. It just makes you sound lazy. Get back in that studio and do a few more takes. I want perfection, dammit!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The plan, Stan

Off to Sakae for a curry, followed by bevvies at the Albion Place Hotel, then a Jenny Lewis gig at The Metro with CM and AM.


"Hikaru No Go #14" is burning a hole in my bag.

Quick verdict

"Forever Strong" (2008) is sufficiently different to other inspirational sporting fillums to be worthwhile. For a start, its unusual setting is the American high school rugby system. Then there's the initially hateful protagonist, who'll take two thirds of the "based on actual events" tale to earn your sympathy and support. Discover the rest for yourself when "F/S" is released for rental on April 28.

Monday, April 06, 2009

When I told her I too preferred Puma to Adidas, it was a lie

Don't ya hate it when you're at the office and lunch rolls round and you realise you left your health-boosting, money-saving, delicious turkey sandwiches in the fridge? Guess what I had for dinner?

Previewing: "Sunshine Cleaning" (2008). Won't bust blocks, but will make you care about the people involved.

Reading: "Hyper #187"...with no urge to commit homicide.

Listening: "Where You Been" (1993) by Dinosaur Jr. Still no question mark. Still casually, gobsmackingly great.


SC informs me that Dave Arneson, the less lauded co-author of "Dungeons & Dragons", is gravely ill.


Now I know how fossilised beef tastes. Thanks, Hokka Hokka – you *have* seen the last of me.


Wish I was at home watching "WrestleMania 25". Quite enjoyed the 24 that came before :-)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Testing for real otaku

Popular and/or long-running manga spawn pocket encyclopaedias crammed with synopses, cast profiles, timelines, creator interviews, bonus strips and sketches, etc., etc. These things are dense! Try to go cover to cover in a sitting and your brain might implode. I'm currently working through "Genshiken - Official Book" (2004, translation 2008) by Kio Shimoku, which is a regular Dan Brown page-turner compared to the "Bleach" and "Death Note" equivalents.

Appreciating: "UFC Fight Night 18" and the series "Ultimate Fighter 9" on FUEL TV. The second's a contest between mixed martial arts teams from the US and UK. My heart's with Pomgolia, but my head knows Seppoland has the deeper talent pool.

Cheering: Swans! Waratahs! Reds! Knights! (No-one mention the Greens - Galloping or Baggy.)

Playing once for Ms Silverman's cameo:
Playing repeatedly for the harmonies:

Listening: "Slanted And Enchanted" (1992) by Pavement. Reminds me of living in Darwin, taking "Alternative Press" mag rather seriously and frequenting an indie record store whose designation has been erased from my memory, chasing discs such as this.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Helping me survive a hectic week

"Data Extract #201", abstaining from alcohol or meat of any kind, Socceroos 2 - Uzbekistan 0, "The Escapist" (2008) at Reel Room with CM, new eps of "Greek" on the Net, being reimbursed monies lent, "Embracing The Wide Sky" (2009) by Daniel Tammet, combat aircraft, "The Clash Live At Shea Stadium" (2008 CD of a 1982 concert), looking forward to this afternoon/evening's "D&D"-fest at TC's...

Thought for the day: Why do "tropical" muesli bars always contain those odd seeds? Is it something to do with parrots?